This was hands-down the best Thursday Night Live yet. There was not one specific thing that made this night stand out, but a perfect blend of circumstances that made this event more noteworthy than the rest. It could have been the fact that I had absolutely no homework to be doing at the time, allowing me to invest my whole self in the performances. I could have been that Thursday Night Live has become a weekly event that my friends thoroughly enjoy attending no matter who is performing. It could have been my favorite green tea in my brand new environmentally friendly mug. I could have been that a banjo and harmonica were involved. I could have been the fabulous people watching that always ensues. It could have the singing of some of my all time favorite songs. It could have been one of the most lively, entertaining performers I have experienced at a Thursday Night Live. It could have been the random poetry interjections that were thrown in to the mix. Apparently, this is all I need for a very very enjoyable evening out.
With each new Thursday Night Live experience, I seem to wish more and more that I could pick up a guitar and become a fabulous player and singer. If only this were plausible. One thing is for sure: learning how to play the guitar is, once again, at the top of my to do list. It has always been something that I have wanted to do. Sadly the unsuccessful piano lessons of 2004 did not seem to prove to my mother that investing in yet another expensive instrument was a good idea for my short attention span. I consider myself a rather patient individual. It was something about the three years of piano lessons with very few major results that got to me. Maybe this time my parents can be convinced that a guitar will be a good investment. We shall see. Birthday present anyone?
It may seem silly to those who know me, but learning to play the guitar relatively well has been on my bucket list for quite some time. I will not back down. Even if I am sixty when it finally happens, I, Rachel Hathaway, will learn how to play the guitar. It may take me years to be good enough (let alone have the confidence) to play in front of an audience, but knowing that I have the ability to be good is all that matters. So I know what’s going on my wish list this year. Maybe someday I’ll be the one whipping out the humorous poetry at Thursday Night Live this time next year.
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